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Education Group


The term “microservices” refers to software architecture and the multiple consequent ramifications of it, including (development) process and (governing) technology concerns. Intellectual mastery of the triad “design-process-technology” is crucial to the software engineering profession. As such, it should rank high in the learning outcomes of higher education. The university instructors, however, know full well how difficult it is to devise and actuate instructional designs truly valid to that effect. Ingredients that help bridge the gap include (1) communitarian sharing of learning practices and the lessons learned with them, and (2) collaborative dialogue with industrial practitioners, best placed at measuring the distance between the level of triadic maturity achieved by undergrad and graduate students who enter the profession and what full proficiency in it would require, besides life experience.

The Community Group “Education” was created with that premise in mind, and with the initial goal to make progress toward ingredient (1), and the medium-term prospect of broadening action to ingredient (2). The base objective of the Education Group is the production of a living collection of learning practices that can be shared and trialed by institutions at large and can be improved by user feedback. A natural by-product of that effort would be the derivation of material worth publishing in reputable academic venues interested in Computer Science Education. The Community Group plans to hold regular (monthly to bi-monthly) meetings, initially virtual and then in presence, whether dedicated or opportunistically latched to other events.


You can contact the Education Group at the address


Member Organisation Position
Tullio Vardanega University of Padova, IT Group Coordinator
Jacopo Mauro University of Southern Denmark, DK